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Ramzi Al Abbasi

Adventurous, Resilient Palestinian Rights Advocate

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Date of Birth:



Jerusalem, Palestine

Place of Birth:

Why Featured?

Ramzi Al Abbasi is notable for his activism in highlighting the Palestinian cause through adventurous endeavors and social media advocacy. He founded Palestine Travellers, which has become a significant movement for raising awareness about Palestinian rights and culture.

Brief bio

Ramzi Al Abbasi is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian activist and the founder of Palestine Travellers. He is also a physiotherapist for children with special needs. Abbasi is widely recognized for his efforts in raising international awareness about the Palestinian situation, using adventurous mountain climbing as a platform to promote Palestinian identity and resilience.

Major Milestones


  1. Born in Jerusalem and residing in the village of Silwan.

  2. Graduated from the Faculty of Physiotherapy at Bethlehem University in 2009.

  3. Founded Palestine Travellers four years ago, a group with around 200 members.

  4. Led the climb to Mount Ararat in Turkey, carrying the Palestinian flag...See More

  5. Provided testimony on the conditions by the Israeli occupation forces inside Negev Prison upon his release...See More

  • Raised awareness about Palestine by flying the Palestinian flag on mountain tops, including Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Elbrus, and Everest Base Camp...See More

  • Utilized social media to publicize events in Jerusalem and advocate for Palestinian rights...See More

  • Organized self-funded trips to various Palestinian areas to document Palestine’s culture and heritage.

  • Actively involved in campaigns to counter Israeli propaganda.

  • Achieved international exposure and boosted the campaign for freedom and justice.

Date of Last Update: 
September 3, 2024

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