Dr. Reyad Sawafta
Pioneer in Nanotechnology
Date of Birth:
Village of Bardala, Tubas, Palestine
Place of Birth:
Why Featured?
Innovative Contributions to Smart Materials
Brief bio
Dr. Reyad Sawafta is a distinguished scientist and entrepreneur, known for his extensive work in nanotechnology and smart materials. He is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Phase Change Solutions, a company dedicated to developing solutions for energy efficiency and sustainable technology.
Major Milestones
Educational Achievements: Earned M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Quantum Physics and Nuclear Physics from the University of Alberta.
Academic and Industry Positions: Held positions in academia, the US Department of Energy, and private industry...See More
Entrepreneurial Ventures: Founded several companies focused on smart materials and biotechnology.
Global Expertise: Recognized globally as an expert in phase change technology, computational science, and nanotechnology.
Public Speaking and Publications: Authored over 175 scientific papers and delivered more than 200 invited talks worldwide.
Development of Smart Materials: Spearheaded innovations in smart materials that significantly impact energy management and sustainability.
Patents and Technologies: Holds numerous patents in smart material applications...See More
Advancements in Phase Change Materials: Developed proprietary phase change materials used in various industries to enhance energy efficiency...See More
Leadership in Nanotechnology: Led multiple projects that bridge the gap between nanotechnology and practical applications in energy and biotech sectors.
Educational Contributions: Contributed to the scientific community through extensive research publications and global lectures...See More
Date of Last Update:
September 3, 2024
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