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Dr. Edwar Shoukri Shamshoum

Innovator in Chemistry and Education

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Date of Birth:



Nazareth, Palestine

Place of Birth:

Why Featured?

Significant Contributions to Chemistry and Community

Brief bio

Dr. Edwar Shoukri Shamshoum was a distinguished chemist and educator known for his extensive work in both industry and academia. His career spanned various significant positions in chemical research and development, impacting both the field of chemistry and the education of future scientists.

Major Milestones


  • Educational Achievements: Earned a doctorate in chemistry from Texas A&M University.

  • Academic and Industrial Career: Held positions at major chemical companies and taught chemistry at the University of North Carolina Greensboro...See More

  • Teaching and Mentoring: Shared his passion for science as a high school teacher and a college professor, influencing countless students.

  • Community Engagement: Active in his local community, contributing to educational and social causes.

  • Personal Life: Known for his deep family ties, love of gardening, and support for Manchester United.

  • Research in Chemistry: Developed numerous chemical processes and innovations during his tenure in the chemical industry.

  • Educational Impact: Mentored students and developed chemistry courses that combined practical industry knowledge with academic rigor.

  • Leadership in Chemical Research: Served as a Senior Vice President of Research at Aristech Chemical Corp., directing significant advancements in polymer and resin production...See More

  • Publications and Patents: Contributed to scientific literature and held several patents in chemical processes...See More

  • Community Service: Actively involved in community service, supporting local educational institutions and charities.

Date of Last Update: 
September 3, 2024

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