Yamen Nobani
Influential Palestinian writer and media graduate.
Date of Birth:
Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, Palestine
Place of Birth:
Why Featured?
Yamen Nobani is known for his literary contributions to Palestinian culture, reflecting the community's experiences and history through his novels and short stories.
Brief bio
Yamen Nobani is a Palestinian author, recognized for his works in Arabic literature. A graduate in Journalism and Media, he has contributed significantly to Palestinian literature with his novels and short stories that offer insights into Palestinian life.
Major Milestones
1986: Born in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, Palestine.
Graduated from An-Najah National University with a BA in Journalism and Media.
Published "Sophia Nobody", a novel and poetry collection.
Published "Almond Memory", a literary novel.
Published "The Distance between Us is a Martyr
", a collection of short stories.
Journalism: Applying his academic background in media to support and advance Palestinian literature...See More
Cultural Insight: His works reflect the Palestinian experience, contributing to the cultural and historical documentation of Palestine.
Date of Last Update:
September 3, 2024
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