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Rania Elias

Advocate for Palestinian Culture

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Date of Birth:



Place of Birth:

Why Featured?

Rania Elias is known for her impactful work in promoting Palestinian culture, freedom of speech, and women's rights. Her leadership as the Director of the Yabous Cultural Centre in Jerusalem from 1998-2022 played a pivotal role in defining the character of the Jerusalem festival and advocating for cultural issues in Palestine.

Brief bio

Rania Elias is a prominent Palestinian cultural activist and expert, notable for her role as the Director of the Yabous Cultural Centre and her involvement in various cultural programs and events that emphasize women's rights and cultural expression.

Major Milestones


  • 1998: Appointed as the Director of Yabous Cultural Centre in Jerusalem

  • 2022: Ended her tenure as the Director of Yabous Cultural Centre

  • 2016: Participated as a speaker in the conference "Palestinian Culture: Where to?"

  • 2022: Book launch for "Lifta: Register of a People History, Cultural Heritage, and Struggle" where she was a speaker

  • 2023: Book launch for "The Nativity Church in Bethlehem, the Oldest Church in Palestine: A Study in Architecture, Arts, History, and Heritage" where she was a speaker

  • Long-term leadership of the Yabous Cultural Centre, enhancing cultural exchange and artistic expression in Jerusalem

  • Organizing various programs and events that focus on engaging and empowering women...See More

  • Contributing to vital studies and authoring several published articles

  • Volunteering in women's groups and advocating for women's rights in Palestine

  • Being a speaker at numerous international and local conferences on cultural issues in Palestine

Date of Last Update: 
September 3, 2024

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