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Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Struggler for Palestine, Imprisoned Activist

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Date of Birth:



Qoubayat, Northern Lebanon

Place of Birth:

Why Featured?

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is a notable Lebanese Arab struggler for the Palestinian cause, known for his unwavering political vision and commitment. He has been imprisoned in French prisons for over 32 years, drawing significant international attention and support. His case is particularly notable for its political implications and his steadfast refusal to renounce his political beliefs, despite prolonged incarceration.

Brief bio

Abdallah, born into a Christian Maronite family, became involved in pro-Palestinian and Arab nationalist circles in the 1970s. He joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and later co-founded the Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Factions (LARF). He was arrested in Lyon in 1984 and has been imprisoned in France since then, accused of actions targeting U.S. and Israeli interests during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon. His imprisonment has become a symbol of anti-Zionist, anti-capitalist, and anti-imperialist struggle, and he remains a political figure and activist even from within prison.

Major Milestones


  • 1970s: Worked as a teacher in northern Lebanon, actively supporting the Palestinian people against colonization.

  • 1975-1990: Joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine during the Lebanese civil war.

  • 1982: Co-founded the Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Factions (LARF).

  • 1984: Arrested in Lyon, France, and later sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity in assassinations.

  • 1999 onwards: Eligible for parole but repeatedly denied release, becoming a prominent figure in international liberation struggles.

  • Commitment to Palestinian Cause: Advocacy and active participation in pro-Palestinian and anti-colonial movements.

  • Co-founding LARF: Establishing an organization responsible for several operations against Mossad and CIA agents.

  • Political Activism in Prison: Continuous involvement in political activities, expressing solidarity with various global movements.

  • Support for Palestinian Prisoners: Extending support and solidarity to Palestinian political prisoners and participating in hunger strikes...See More

  • International Recognition: His imprisonment has drawn widespread international attention, becoming a symbol for various liberation struggles...See More

Date of Last Update: 
September 3, 2024

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